Saturday, December 23, 2017

London 1. Brutalist Architecture - British Library

We are spending 5 days over Christmas in London based at Euston , to give the family a bit more space and us a break. We spent time after we arrived yesterday afternoon at the British Library. As usual, I was attracted by the interaction of the many angles and colours of the interior with the many visitors. The exterior is often regarded as a Brutalist example and is referred to as the only major public building to be built in Great Britain in the twentieth century. "No other project, since the building of St. Paul’s Cathedral over 400 years ago, took so long to construct or was surrounded by so much controversy." Begun in 1962, completed in 1997, it was opened to the public in 1998. It was designed by Sir Colin St John Wilson in red brick to echo the Gilbert Scott Euston station beyond.

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