Showing posts with label Pyramidal Orchid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pyramidal Orchid. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

An Evening at Trumpington Meadows

The meadows at Trumpington are spectacular with swathes of Oxeye Daisies, Hawksbit and Quaking Grass together with many other meadow species including hundreds of Bee Orchids and a good stand of Pyramidal Orchids. Here an impression of the visit - just needs sound added of Skylarks, Cuckoo, Meadow Pipits and, notably, Corn Buntings - songs reminiscent of this area in the 1960s before agricultural practices and building removed their habitats. After very heavy showers all day, yesterday evening was clear skies and even a hint of warmth in the sun. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Paxton Green-eyed Hawkers and Flight Shots

I spent some considerable time trying to get good flight shots of insects and I have still not got an image where everything is right! The first damselfly would be fine if the nearer wing was positioned in the space behind the legs and the beetles are soft on the wing cases. While photographing the Four-spotted chasers, a coupled pair of Green-eyed Hawkers arrived and then a second male waiting to get in on the action if he can. Pyramidal orchid included as first one I have photographed at Paxton Pits.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Orchid Time

As expected the orchids are out much earlier than say 10 years ago despite the present cooler weather - the Common Spotted Orchids and Man Orchids are mostly fully out and Pyramidal are coming out. As usual I was looking for insect pollinators but only found this Flower Spider!. The last two pairs of images are experiments with the new tools in Lightroom for Lens Blur - very impressive and going to give some headaches deciding what is acceptable for Natural History Distinctions (other images the backgrounds are as taken!).

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so