Showing posts with label Little Tern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Little Tern. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Little Terns Learning to Fish

I spent a long while at Winterton photographing the adult terns clearly teaching their youngsters to fish. This youngster was obviously having trouble getting any depth to its dive but was clearly enjoying it complete with victory roll!! 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Little Terns in Rough Seas

 The colony of Little Terns at Winterton looks to have done OK this year though there are young yet to fledge and the present  very windy weather presents a challenge to learning to fly and fish. The temperature and rough seas were more reminiscent of a day there in November than July. The Little terns looked so small against the giant waves and even the seals were dwarfed by the rollers. Juvenile Terns and Ringed plovers hunkered down in the sand to brave out the winds'