Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Green Therapy along the River

I have the reputation for finding bright greens in images very distracting so wondered whether images with green as the only colour would work. Images from a walk along the river in Cambridge on the hottest day (so far!) of 2023. With the Chestnuts already turning to autumn hues it certainly simplified the scenes. Last two images playing with different colours.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Toft to Comberton Walk

As outlined in a previous blog entry, there is an ancient path that runs in a straight line connecting Toft and Comberton churches Ann Miles Blog: Local Walks 1.Toft to Comberton ( Here a few images from a bright windy walk to Comberton to do my monthly record of the flower species in the churchyard (taken on a pocket Sony compact).

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Drought Declared in East Anglia

A few images from an early walk in Toft where everything other than large trees are now the colour of straw. The Hares and Rabbits and our Golden Retriever, Ted,  matched with the environment perfectly.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so