Showing posts with label Buxton Heath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buxton Heath. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Other Insects at Buxton Heath

Bit of a legs theme here (shed skin of grasshopper and Longhorn beetle leg-stretch routine). The Pied hoverfly was on my car door!! We tried to escape the very powerful sun and high temperatures on Sunday afternoon at Buxton Heath by keeping to the edge of the woodland where several Dragonflies were perching and hawking for prey - Keeled Skimmers (male and females) were commonest but also 4-Spot Chasers and Broad-bodied Chaser.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Orchids Buxton Heath

The Marsh Helleborines are at their peak at the moment with many very large spikes as well as more modest blooms. There are some fairly distinct Marsh Orchids and Heath Spotted Orchids but it seems most are hybrids. The only pollinator that I found was a Flower Tumbling Beetle on a Twayblade. Very bright sunshine with temperatures above 30 degrees so not ideal for flower photography!!

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so