Showing posts with label Red Campion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Campion. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2024

My Wildlife Garden in May

I photograph and post a lot of insect images - here are the habitats in my garden that support the amazing variety of species recorded this year. The most spectacular area at the moment is the 'Hedgerow garden', backed by a very tall hedge, which is a mass of Red Campion and Oxeye Daisies at the moment. The most productive for species is the 'Meadow' - an area left as long grass and supporting many meadow flowers - Cranesbill, Daisies, Vetches, Scabious and Yellow Rattle (not done quite so well this year). Obviously the pond is an essential habitat while much of the rest of the garden are kept as fairly controlled borders that are a mix of perenial plants - originally purchased but now many self seeded or grown from collected seeds, and wild flowers (small yellow foxgloves, campion, buttercups, linaria, scabious etc)


Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so