Monday, June 6, 2016

Twayblade Pollination and other Insects from Sunny Afternoon

Last year, I photographed a Sailor Beetle pollinating a Twayblade, so today visited a local clunch quarry to see what was out and what insects were about. Hundreds of Twayblades this year but fewer Man Orchids. First images show Sawfly visiting Twayblade flower and coming out with pollen sacs (pollinia) stuck to its head. It then travels to the next flowers and will pollinate these. The diamond-backed moth manages to get nectar from the flower without disturbing the pollen sacs. An amazing little picture-winged fly was visiting the Man Orchid but did not enter the flowers. Other images of insects that took my eye during the day include my favourite Speckled Bush Cricket young, two types of Bumblebee Hoverflies and two colourful Saw flies.

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