Sunday, October 9, 2011

Infrared Cambridge

A few images taken in Cambridge with the IR camera on Wednesday . The first two in Kings College showing the delicate tones that are possible. I liked the reflection of the organist in the mirror in Clare College Chapel - thanks Peter for the idea. The last two show the two extremes of tones - St John's gates where the background foliage has been rendered very pale with the wrought iron standing out well (a bit of mirror imaging here to give a simpler composition). The spiral stairase in St Johns has been rendered with very rich tones in infrared.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Farewell to Guernsey

Just a few final pictures from Guernsey as I said goodbye yesterday. Many thanks to Jan and David for making me so welcome in their lovely home and looking after me so well. The first image shows the view that greeted me each morning
from the main room on the left where we breakfasted etc.

We had a quick trip to Jerbourg Point and photographed a lot of water with beautiful turquoise hue, a few yachts and views of Herm.
The flight back with final view of Fort Grey, Rocquaine Bay and Lihou Island, familiar from our daily trip along the coast to St Peter Port.

Thanks again to Jan and all the Spectrum and Prism Photographic Club members (and others) that made me so welcome.

Also a very big thank you to David for sharing his home with me.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pastel Sunset

I spent an hour or so enjoying a perfectly calm clear evening at Portelet. The colours produced as the light faded were all subtle pastel shades until the final glow lit the sands with a fiery red.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday in Guernsey

A free day with just a lecture in the evening so time for a walk along the coast from Portelet. Spent a bit of time photographing the sea. Though it was very calm using the 8 neutral density filter allowed a slow enough shutterspeed to give a bit of movement to the water. Then had a go at the myriad of bees on the ivy and, later in the day, a great green bush cricket (thanks Godfray for the correct identification) on a knipofia.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lowlight Photography

We did a lowlight workshop in St Sampson harbour yesterday on a wonderful warm evening. The first two are of the harbour facing the two directions to show the spectrum of colours.

As the sky and land balanced in light tones, I concentrated on the cranes using a 15mm and then 24mm lens.

We moved to a completely dark harbour, which proved quite a challenge. We were amazed that the planet Jupiter was bright enough to produce shine on the water and the myriad of stars. The final picture was taken at the Cup and Saucer - Jan's suggestion of using the railings has really worked - thanks.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Guernsey Workshop Week 1

Arrived safely in Guernsey via Stansted so exchanged the cool blues and metallic silvers for most beautiful golden sunset on out way to Spectrum Photographic group for their meeting.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yarmouth Folk

You are getting Yarmouth in instalments as I am still processing the images from the weekend and I am busy writing course notes for my trip to Guernsey next week. Yarmouth was a busy place with a bowls festival in full swing, lots going on on the Pier though the beach was none too busy. Perhaps the quartet all dressed up for the wind explained why.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mecca Bingo Yarmouth

Another of the buildings that we visited last week during Heritage weekend. Designed by Francis Burdett Ward, the Regent Theatre in Great Yarmouth opened on 26 December 1914. It was from the outset made for theatre and cinema use. The auditorium is decorated in Louis XVI style. The last movie shown was Blade Runner in September 1982. The theatre is now used and operated as Mecca Bingo. The main auditorium is beautifully maintained but downstairs in the old kitchens, things are decidedly sad and neglected. These feelings seemed to be echoed in the old lady waiting for the Bingo to start in over an hour's time.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rainbow, Full Moon and Beach Huts

A sequence of images from a late afternoon visit to those Beach Huts. Beauriful sunny scene when we arrived and then the storm clouds came. End of Pier image has no HDR processing - the clouds reminded me of the images of hurricanes approaching in USA. No rain came until after a visit to the Fishing huts and then only enough to give a rainbow over the Beach Huts. To finish the unreal scene, a full moon was present just above the horizon - you can just see it in the centre of the bow.
The clouds disappeared and the moon gave lovely lighting on the water.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gorlestone Pavilion

One of the Open Heritage buildings is the Gorlestone Pavilion, a Victorian Theatre. It is still operating as a traditional theatre of the time with separate tables and flags to wave for drinks etc.
Much of the backstage parts of the building are in desparate need of restoration and the building has just been given charitable status so can start applying for grants etc.