Friday, September 9, 2011

Visited Norwich today and got carried away with various chairs. It is Open Heritage weekend so quite a lot of private buildings were open.

And finally one of the many racing wheelchairs in the streets of Norwich.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wedding Venue

This blog is fast becoming weekly rather than daily as intended but hope to put that right once the Cambridge Camera Club is underway for this season and The London Salon has been put to bed for a couple of months - being Secretary of two organisations is not a good idea.
A few images from the Geat Barn, Little Bradley (near Haverhill), venue for Claire and Tom's reception on Saturday. Beautiful day and a lovely place to take the wedding photographs. Lots of nooks and crannies, flowers, trees and seats - even room for a game of bowls. The barn itself is light and spacious. The evening was warm enough for people to spill out onto the lawn after the meal.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blist's Hill

I last visited Blist's Hill about fifteen years ago and took a series of infrared images so I was keen to try the same viewpoints with my digital infrared. The trees have grown a lot over the years and a whole restored Victorian town has arrived but I managed most of the views (I will post one of the original images when back from our trip).
The original mine produced coal, clay and iron ore - the coal was converted to coke, which fuelled the blast furnaces and the clay was used to make bricks to line the furnaces. Only limestone was brought in from outside the site.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tale of Two Piers

Yesterday evening we made a short visit to Llandudno and walked out on the well preserved Victorian pier as the sun was going down giving great skies.

This morning we took a stroll through Colwyn Bay town down to the Pier - a sorry sight as it has been empty for many years now as the owner went bankrupt. Hopefully they will restore it before it completely collapses.

On the Beach at Prestatyn

Many thanks to Margaret and Helfin for entertaining us to lunch and then to Margaret for sharing her favourite beach. Right on cue storm clouds arrived giving some great lighting on the lighthouse. Above image appropriately for those who know Margaret is 'Boy and his Dragon' taken with the fish-eye lens.
The sky was ready-made for infrared so a few more beach images including some very attractive Sea Holly.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Infrared Photography Liverpool

Fort Rock Perch in New Brighton was built in the Napoleonic period to protect the port of Liverpool. It was used in both wars and now houses an amazing collection of items. There are great views of the Lighthouse.

In the afternoon we took a cruise on the Mersey from Seacombe with the Mersey ventilation chimneys. Beautiful skies for infrared photography.

Liverpool's new waterfront

We took the bus into Liverpool today and explored most of the city on foot! Here are a few pictures from the Pierhead area of the waterfront showing the new Museum of Liverpool and the various apartment blocks completely overshadowing the Liver Building.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Scenes from the Wirral

The weather at West Kirby was very windy with rain clouds being brought in frequently but by the afternoon at New Brighton it had cleared to give a fine afternoon.
The Travelodge at New Brighton is right on the Promenade and we have a fine view of the lighthouse and Liverpool Docks from our secong floor room. Walking further round towards Birkenhead gave us views that made us realise how much the skyline of Liverpool has changed.