Friday, August 2, 2024

Full Spectrum Photography in Cambridge

I took my full-spectrum camera into Cambridge in the week as I am still intrigued by what scenes look like when captured across the entire light spectrum, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared light. Some of the images taken in full sunlight I found I couldn't process in colour to produce an image that I liked but they converted well to  monochrome. However, I do like the tones and colours of images taken in shade and the  interior shots where presumably there is less ultraviolet getting through. These were taken without any external filters - I need to experiment more with my set of these to understand how theory relates to practice!


Anonymous said...

The colour shots give a real 1960s / early 70s film vibe. Get some grain in there, and you'd be all set to dig your flares and Afghan coat out! Which camera did you have converted Ann?

Ann Miles said...

I bought a ready converted Lumix G2 from Ebay about same price as having a camera converted. It takes Raw and the quality is acceptable for the use I give it.