Sunday, July 9, 2023

Paxton Pits Dragonfly Day

The Dragonfly Society designated Paxton Pits a Dragonfly Hotspot in 2020 and today was the annual invitation to visit the site and have conducted tours to view the Dragonflies etc. Here are a few of the insect species that I managed to photograph while helping to guide the walks (Green-eyed Hawker, Scarce Chaser, Brown Hawker, Variable, Blue-tailed and Common Blue Damselflies, Banded Demoiselle, Female and Male Ruddy Darter, Golden Bloomed Longhorn Beetle, Green-Veined White, Labyrinth Spider with Buff-tailed Bumble Bee (it got away) and an impressively large Leopard Moth. We also had a distant but extended view of a Kingfisher on the river bank. 

1 comment:

Gerry Palmer said...

Great shots, wish I could have been there.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so