Monday, May 8, 2023

Garden Project 15 Maintaining Balance

Keeping a good balance between cultivated and wild flowers continues to occupy a lot of my gardening hours but is certainly rewarding in terms of biodiversity of plants and their dependent insects etc. The front 'lawn' is a meadow of Buttercups with Vetches and Yellow Rattle coming up ready to flower next. Red Campion, always a favourite, has taken up residence in most of the flower beds along with Cow Parsley, Comfrey and Anchusa, which all need culling fairly frequently. A new venture this year is leaving an area of the back lawn long planted up with Bulbs - Grape hyacinths, Tulip and various Alliums plus I am planting various annuals into the long grass such a Cosmos, Nigella, Annual Chrysanthemums, Marigolds etc. I still maintain a small vegetable and soft fruit area so plenty of weeding there!!

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