Saturday, July 28, 2018

Beaumaris Castle and Church

We spent the last day in Beaumaris exploring the Castle and Church.
Beaumaris Castle was the last of Edward I’s massive building programme in North Wales but he never got round to finishing it as his finances were needed elsewhere in Scotland. It would have been twice the height! Technically perfect and constructed according to an ingenious ‘walls within walls’ plan, Beaumaris Castle was a 13th-century innovation and has been a World Heritage Site since 1986.
St Mary and St Nicholas Church. The handsome 14th-century church in Beaumaris was erected shortly after Edward I built the castle, to serve the castle garrison and the people of Beaumaris town. The oldest parts of the church are the nave and aisles, and the west tower, all of which date to the 14th century. The alabaster tomb of William Bulkeley (d. 1490) with his wife Elin, is impressive as are the wooden carvings on the misericords.

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