I have borrowed a 300mm 2.8 lens as I have been wondering whether the faster lens would perform better than my 100-400mm lens when trying to follow flying dragonflies (anyway my 100-400 is away having the friction ring repaired). The answer is yes though, as it was mostly cloudy this afternoon, there weren't any dragonflies only a few damsels to fully test the theory.

I have just "discovered" you rblog and just wanted to say thanks for the effort of updating it so regularly. I live near Wimpole and go out with the camera most days and its good to get inspiration. My summer "project" was hawkers in flight - not very succesful I am afraid and probably a "rollover" for 2011 now - I go to a local pond in Hatley - what is your preferred local location for dragons ( co-operative ones ? - Paxton ? ). Tim H
I have several favourites - Paxton pits, Feb Drayton and, particularly, the pools at Barton. Do get in touch directly by email if you would like (from my main website) and we can compare notes
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