Sunday, February 9, 2025

Mosses and Lichens at Paxton

The wetter wooded areas of Paxton Pits rival Wistman's wood in Devon for the variety and amount of lichens and mosses attached to the trees. The first image is a single shot but many of the others are focus-stacked landscapes to give maximum depth of field. I enjoyed the variety of greens and shapes of fallen trees etc

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Lichens in Toft

Slowly building up a library of the lichens growing in our village. Here a few from our garden and Toft Wood - experimenting with backgrounds etc. Still to add genus/species names!!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

First Insects of 2025

Yesterday's sun had a real warmth to it and the insects responded visiting this Clematis cirrhosa flowering against a south-facing fence. I am pretty certain that it is a Buff-tailed Bumblebee but was very small for a Queen. The most numerous visitors were honey bees stocking up on nectar and pollen. As always a few blow flies around (Calliphora vicina) - one is covered in pollen illustrating their importance as pollinators. (The warm sunshine and insect visitors were appropriate for the day of Richard Revel's funeral emphasising his very large contribution to entomology and his delight at any glimpse of the approach of spring)

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Madingley Hall Gardens

There are plenty of spring flowers already in flower at Madingley Hall Gardens including the snowdrops and the great collection of Hellebores. Unfortunately the woodland walk, which is a mass of snowdrops, is closed at the moment as there is tree surgery being done. Hopefully they will reopen in a couple of weeks and the snowdops will still be in flower.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Ely Cathedral Sunlit Interiors

Yesterday a party of photographers met at Ely Cathedral to explore the interior architecture. It was a clear sunny day so plenty of light bouncing around inside to show off the vibrant colours of stone, tile, painted wood and glass that comprise this 'Ship of the Fens'. Lots of techniques in evidence from putting camera on the floor to capture the  ceiling,  HDR (high dynamic range to control the contrasty light) and photographing projections of the window colours onto the floors. There were even a couple of Tilt/Shift lenses to help cope with the very high ceilings without distortion of the verticals.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Light Painting 2

Although Peter Wood's floral and bird set ups were favourites, he has a very wide repertoire of other set ups. Here are a few that I enjoyed.