Thursday, October 17, 2024

Paxton with Full Spectrum Camera

I took my Full-spectrum camera to Paxton today to experiment with ultraviolet illumination of toadstools in the afternoon. I took a few images on my way to and from the morning work party and in Rory's Wood area later. A late Red Admiral was enjoying the warm sunshine.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Wider Angle Macro

 As my 60mm macro stopped focusing suddenly and seems to be permanently, I tried my 18-45 mm lens with the Raynox close-up filter. Here a few examples of what is still active in my Cambridge garden. Most taken at the 45mm end but the Cricket and Flower spider were at the 18mm end.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Garden Snails

Making a start on identifying the snails in the garden with these species that were on the move yesterday morning after a damp night. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lots of Insects in Ivy plants

Lots of different Fly species, Box Bugs,and other Hemiptera, Spiders and Ivy Bees feasting on the late nectar in the Ivy Flowers

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mission Accomplished at Brandon

The only thing that I definitely offered for the RPS Workshop on fungi at Brandon  yesterday was over 30 years of visiting and hence a lot of knowledge of what species are found where and when. Brandon fulfilled this promise with lots of colourful and attractive species from the Porcelain fungi up on the beech branches to the colourful Mycena haematopus, Fly agarics and Amethyst Deceivers. We tried different lighting and experimental  techniques - some not yet quite mastered like the 'toadstool in the Bokeh'. We even found lots of Slime Mould -  though probably only one species.