Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Garden Fauna 16th July

A few insects etc showed themselves yesterday despite the cool wet conditions. There are lots of these small bees (Heriades truncorum Large-headed Resin Bee) on the Ragwort with the Cinnabar caterpillars and the Dark Bush crickets are now mature.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Norfolk Day of Contrasts

Saturday dawned very wet in Norfolk  so we chose to visit a reserve with a hide - Hickling NWT. We spent a couple of hours there watching the Marsh Harriers and other birds including Bearded Tits, Reed Warblers and even a Water Rail. There were also several insects visible in the reeds to photograph. By lunch the rain had stopped and even a few glimpses of sun so we visited Horsey Gap tp walk on the beach and watch the seals and still heavy seas.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Garden in July

 The higher than average rainfall coupled with some sunny warmer days has resulted in very strong plant growth in the garden with many species double their normal height. Largely I have left it unchecked, just cutting and tying back plants to get access round the paths. Here some of the many flowers out at the moment starting with the 'herbaceous borders', through the small meadow area (lovely to get Chicory 'arriving' this year), to the taller growth areas, very tall back hedge with its White Bryony cascading down, the pond and vegetable/fruit areas. It has been a bumper year for Blackcurrants etc

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Little Terns Learning to Fish

I spent a long while at Winterton photographing the adult terns clearly teaching their youngsters to fish. This youngster was obviously having trouble getting any depth to its dive but was clearly enjoying it complete with victory roll!!