Sunday, July 7, 2024

West Redlands Survey Paxton

Despite the intermittent rain and the cool conditions yesterday, we managed to find quite a variety and reasonable number of insects during our survey at Paxton. Here are some which include a pair of White-legged Damselflies - the first time I have seen them at Paxton

Friday, July 5, 2024

Emerald - My Favourite Damselfly

The Emerald Damselfly is definitely my favourite Damselfly, especially the mature male when the blue pubescence develops fully. I spent an hour trying to capture that 'perfect' image with focus stacking or single images - not succeeding but a very enjoyable exercise.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Banded Demoiselles - Life and Death

I spent a long while last week with the Banded Demoiselles at Trumpington enjoying their iridescent colour that changes from green to blue in sun and shade and was just enjoying this male when a Kite-tailed Robber Fly swooped down and carried it off into the bushes. It hung onto its prey despite me moving it to a more open position - a sad end for the Demoiselle! Other images - female demoiselle and male Banded Demoiselles displaying on the water lilies at Byron's Pool

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Byron's Pool

Byron’s Pool in Grantchester is the former millpond of Trumpington Mill. The mill disappeared many years ago. The current weir was built after the floods of 1947. A stream to allow fish to pass upstream was added after 2000. Lord Byron is reputed to have swum there when a student at Cambridge, and Rupert Brooke when staying at the Old Rectory in Grantchester. Images were taken in the evening using a Full-spectrum camera with no added filters and processed in Lighroom.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Fermyn Woods

After several warm sunny days, we had high expectations of lots of butterflies, including the Purple Emperor , on our visit to Fermyn Woods on Sunday. In contrast, it was cool, breezy with occasional drizzle so not ideal for butterflies! Ken managed to photograph an Emperor on the ground near the entrance but the rest of us contented ourselves with good views of a Purple Hairstreak (first image focus-stacked), lots of Large Skippers, Ringlets and Plant Bugs and Spiders (Nursery Spider guarding young in the web tent). A couple of Buzzards gave a great display under grey skies.