Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Great Yarmouth

Yarmouth on a sunny out-of-season day was very pleasant with its two piers, quirky public toilets and varied entertainments from donkey rides to the elegant Venetian gardens. The skyline is dominated by the offshore windfarm. I had a go at focus stacking one of the turbines - not sure why one blade appears stationary!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Coastal Flowers Yarmouth

During our week in Suffolk, I spent a very enjoyable hour or so in the dunes at Yarmouth photographing the flowers, including Yellow-horned Poppies, Devil's Bit Scabious etc. There was a very confiding Meadow Pipit who came to regard me as another feature of the landscape.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Gunton Beach Sunset

For our final evening in Suffolk on Saturday, we visited Gunton beach for the sunset. I was using my Fuji compact (1,2) and Olympus with 12-42 lens (3,4,5) plus I  borrowed Barry's full-spectrum infrared camera(6,7,8,9) .  Late in the evening, the full spectrum camera gave very similar colouring to normal cameras with their infrared etc blocking filters but allowed faster shutterspeeds. Not sure which member of the party was being beamed up in image 9 but we seemed to have our full complement at Breakfast on Sunday (though we couldn't confirm that Ian, who was in self-catering accommodation, was safe).

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Carlton Marshes

 Despite getting very wet in the morning with a sudden heavy shower, we thoroughly enjoyed our day at Suffolk Wildlife Trust's reserve at Carlton Marshes with Sedge Warblers, Reed Warblers, Linnets, Reed Bunting, Marsh Harriers, Heron's fishing and Dragonflies keeping our cameras busy.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dunwich Heath and Sizewell Beach

Yesterday a day of sandy heathland and sand/shingle beaches produced some good species including this Banded Sandwasp, Fan-bristled Robberfly, Spiny Digger Wasp, Short-horned Grasshoppers and, a species seen previously at Arne on one of our Group holidays, the Coastal Stilletto Fly.