Monday, May 20, 2024

Burgh on Bain Lincs Insects

We spent the weekend in a very comfortable AirBNB at Burgh on Bain in Lincolnshire which had large areas of wet meadows that I explored in the early morning. Here a few dew-covered creatures

Friday, May 17, 2024

Very Wet Thursday

 Yesterday was the monthly walk at Paxton Pits and, unsurprisingly, only a small group ventured round the reserve. We did manage to record 37 bird species including Garden warbler, Chiffchaff, Common Terns hopefully nesting on the rafts,  adult Cormorant ?teaching young about fishing and Great Crested Grebe pair. Back in the garden in the afternoon, many insects were sheltering on leaves and flowers while the spiders continued to monitor their webs.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Walk with Full Spectrum Camera

 I took my Full Spectrum camera (with no added filters) for a stroll around Toft on Tuesday in the sunshine. The Meadow Sweet is in full bloom at the moment and produces really delicate tones with this camera. 90 degrees to the sun seems best for scenes that include sky.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Shoveller Dispute

These two male Shovellers  spent a bit of time eyeing each other before one decided to see off the intruder. He is treading water in the last image flapping the wings in victory.  I hadn't fully appreciated the range of colours in their plumage before. Unfortunately, the light was very harsh and I didn't have a fast enough shutterspeed for this much action!

Monday, May 13, 2024

St Aidens RSPB Reserve

 St Aidan's RSPB Reserve has been transformed from an old, open cast mine to a reserve with a rich variety of habitats including reedbeds, wetlands, meadows and woodland. It has a breeding population of Black-necked Grebe, which I was keen to see as I hadn't seen summer plumage birds before. There were lots of Bittern booming and several took to the air during our visit. Otherwise the numbers of singing Warblers - Sedge, Reed and Willow were very impressive along with Reed Buntings and all the usual water birds