Addenbrookes Arts asked for 10 images Celebrating Cycling leading up to the Tour de France, which visits Cambridge on the 7th July. I asked Michael Poole (website) to share the space with me (the five images displayed on the walls below - as yet without labels etc) as he has some great racing images. I supplied the more pictorial side though my first image (top left) was taken in London the last time the Tour visited the UK in 2007.
bicycle with rear wheel drive was introduced in the late 19th
century replacing the previously popular high-wheeler invented
earlier in the century (penny farthing etc).This shifted their use
from being a dangerous toy for sporting young men to being an
everyday transport tool for men—and, importantly, women—of all
this Celebration of cycling , timed to coincide with the Tour de
France visit to Cambridge on July 7th
2014, we show both the sporting side of Cycling (images 1-6) and as
a means of getting to work (image 7), rushing to lectures (image 8),
transporting the dog (image 9) and lastly showing our respect for the
bicycle as a much-loved friend (image 10)