Saturday, December 16, 2023

Hares and Deer at Welney WWT

After a morning session in the hide watching the ducks and swans on the very flooded Ouse Washes, I went for an afternoon stroll around Lady Fen and was rewarded with great views of Hares, Roe Deer and Chinese Water Deer (in retreat but characteristic small size, Teddy bear ears and lack of tail markings). Because noone else was walking on the Fen, I managed to get close to some of the hares before they noticed me and hared off!! Very pooor light so high ISO.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Toft Christmas Lights

As usual, several of the houses in Toft have decorated their exteriors with lights. I had fun using the full-spectrum Panasonic which has a 14-42 Zoom to do some zoom bursts either gradual or in steps. Some small aperture images to complete the set.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Afternoon at Wicken

The rain stopped after lunch and I enjoyed a couple of hours on Burwell Fen before the very strong winds arrived. The herons were the most confiding - otherwise the birds were at a distance including male and female Kestrels, Short-eared Owl and two Marsh Harriers.  The landscapes were with my not-very-good mobile camera!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Very Wet Morning at Wicken

Definitely weather for ducks yesterday morning. This teal took flight during one of the lighter showers but the Mallards did not look happy when the rain was at its heaviest. The Coots are already paired off and showing territorial behaviour. The hundreds of Widgeon on the pools were fairly restless giving lovely atmospheric flight images along with Mallards, Mute Swans and Geese.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Water Rail at Fowlmere

It was a surprise when a Water Rail showed itself in the reeds at Fowlmere and then walked out into open water and walked across the pool to disappear into foliage on the other side. The Moorhens seemed unperturbed.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so