Friday, July 7, 2023

Butterflies Fermyn Woods

The RPS Nature Group visited Fermyn Woods yesterday hoping to photograph Purple Emperors. I saw one but, unfortuately for it and me, being carried away by an Emperor Dragonfly too fast to get in the lens. We did see lots of other butterflies, including Silver Washed Fritillaries, White Admiral and Purple Hairstreaks and enjoyed a great day with them in the sunshine.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Photowalk in Great Chesterford

Yesterday evening we had a walk round Great Chesterford looking for some photo clues. The light wasn't very good so will return another day to complete the task. An interesting village with Roman roots and a strong Railway history.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Toft to Comberton Walk

As outlined in a previous blog entry, there is an ancient path that runs in a straight line connecting Toft and Comberton churches Ann Miles Blog: Local Walks 1.Toft to Comberton ( Here a few images from a bright windy walk to Comberton to do my monthly record of the flower species in the churchyard (taken on a pocket Sony compact).

Monday, July 3, 2023

Bugs Alive in the Garden

Half an hour in the garden yesterday produced a good number of bugs (Order Hemiptera). Here photos of  two plant hoppers - the common meadow Leaf hopper and a Lacebug and among the plant bugs Orthops basalis (2 views), Heterogaster urticae, Heterotoma planicornis, Plagiognathus arbustorum (3 views) and Closterotomus norwegicus.


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Evening at RSPB Strumpshaw Fen

A few photos from a visit to Strumpshaw Fen last Sunday evening once the heat of the day had cooled. A Marsh Harrier watched us as we peered in the vegetation for insects and tried to capture the Dragonflies as they settled to roost.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so