Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wicken Fen RPS Visit

I kept my 100% record of interesting weather at Wicken Fen for RPS Nature Group visits with high winds, magnificent clouds and even a rainbow. In between this we managed some interesting birds. Some of the group got some great shots of the Hen Harrier female and Little Owl - mine come in the 'record' category! There were also fighting Coots, Kingfisher, Heron etc but all these at a 'distance'


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Welney Ducks

After the wonderful sunrise, the rest of the day was fairly dull weatherwise but there was plenty of duck activity to keep us amused. Here Pochards, Tufted ducks and Mallard competing for space especially at the feed times and, far in the distance, my favourite ducks, the Pintails

Monday, February 7, 2022

Welney Dawn to Dusk

I had planned to record the landscape during our full day at Welney on Saturday but never expected quite such a range of colours. It would have been completed by a great sunset but, by then, the cloud had rolled in and the last image of the swans flying in was in almost total darkness.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Swans Awake at Welney WWT

We were very fortunate to have a beautiful sunrise for our early visit to Welney Wildfowl Trust reserve at Welney. We arrived just as the sky was lightening with a beautiful pink glow. As the sun came up the colours changed from pink to orange to blue. It was wonderful to see and hear the Bewick Swans as these are so much shyer than the larger noisier Whooper Swans (the two in the foreground of the second image)

Friday, February 4, 2022

Stanwick Lakes Away from the Water

Stanwick Lakes offered some excellent opportunities for close encounters with the wildlife, perhaps because the park is very popular with walkers, cyclists and families and the birds etc have become accustomed to people. Blackbirds, Magpies and Muntjac foraged happily in good range and even the Buzzard was not as wary as usual.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Along the River Nene

A few birds from a walk along the River Nene, starting with a Kestrel that perched up in front of me. Good to see a flock of Goosanders.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so