Sunday, December 19, 2021

Trees in the Mist

A few images of trees in the mist from Friday's walk on the golf course in Toft. Depending on the direction of taking, the sky had various colours.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Foggy Walk in Toft

After a clear sunrise, the fog rolled in and, by 8am, was very thick for the school run. Here a few images from my walk around the village and golf course.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Late Fungi Hardwick Wood

I was surprised how many fungi were present in Hardwick Wood today - mainly Mycena species, plus some very large Clitocybe geotropa caps. I focus stacked quite a few of the toadstools at F2 or F4 (30 images) giving diffuse backgrounds. Used a LED light that changes colour temperatures for lighting - mainly daylight but also did a composite of several images taken with different colour lights.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Wimpole Christmas Lights Trail

This is the first time Wimpole Hall (National Trust) has organised a Christmas Lights Trail. We visited on Sunday and came away with mixed feelings. It is certainly very bright and festive with lots of very clever modern technology both in light and sound. The main drawbacks were the very large number of visitors combined with the narrowness of the paths meant that there was a lot of queueing and you were too close to the exhibits (for people with sensitive eyes it was uncomfortable in many areas). For me, the best exhibits were the 'standard' coloured lighting of trees and features and the lighting of the Hall itself. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Cambridge Exile versus Cottenham Renegades

CRUFC 3rd team beat Cottenham Renegades 26-10 in a very tough match played in cold rainy conditions. Here a set of action photographs in monochrome. which seemed to better represent the conditions!! There is a single colour shot at the end. All have been processed with Lightroom only making full use of  the new masking facilities eg select subject - a very powerful addition to the software.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so