Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Bees, Ladybirds and Spring Bulbs

Reassuring to see large numbers of Honey Bees at work collecting pollen and nectar from the Anemones, Scilla and  Puschkinias. Interesting that the Scilla (fewer stamens) have blue pollen (you can see it on the bee's back leg) while the Puschkinias have the more usual yellow pollen (images 5 and 6). Even one of the Ladybirds had found an aphid to eat. 


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Getting in Close

 In 'normal' years, I try to record all the wildlife that I can in our local wood, churchyard and garden during the year. However, with lockdown, this has become more obsessive! I am now starting on the very small creatures that are too small to identify with the naked eye and some are so minute as to require peering at through the microscope. Here we have 4 beetles and a member of the Collembola - a group of Arthropods separate from insects. The first image is using a closeup filter on my macro lens and is a Pollen beetle. The rest are my first attempts at recording with a USB microscope and I did not record the magnification but the beetles are around a 2 mm each.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Great Year for Snowdrops

Snowdrops are putting on a magnificent display everywhere around us including our village. Here are a few from our churchyard including a ladybird making the most of the warmer weather. Also saw our first Brimstone today though didn't manage a photo. Similar views are using different apertures to see what works best in terms of throwing the background out of focus but keeping the subject sharp.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Playing with Multiple Exposures

A dull cloudy day - no interesting light to play with so decided on Multiple Exposure mode. The blend mode is set to Dark so figures etc in black with tend to come forward in the composite giving some quite convincing images like the first one here. Very apposite for our times, the lady in the third ME has been given a mask during the blending of images. The last two use two different film types for the two images (sepia and monochrome).

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Garden and Local Birds

Our Dunnocks are paired up and displaying while a pair of Blackcaps come to our feeders. Already Bluetits are inspecting the nestbox. A Buzzard regularly uses the fallen stump in the field next to the house along with a Jay. The Stonechat may be passing through as not seen before.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Spring Flowers

Some flowers taken with legacy Olympus OM50mm lens at various apertures (irises are F16, F8, F4 and F1.8).

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so