Friday, October 2, 2020

Playing with Lighting Fungi at Wandlebury

Despite all the rain, fungi were in pretty short supply at Wandlebury but I found a few to practise different lighting set ups (flash, gels and continuous LED). The minute spider was obviously attracted  (or disturbed) by the underneath lighting and got in on the act. The gills of a large bracket on a beech tree reminded me of the fan vaulting in King's college Chapel but so much more intricate.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Wandlebury Trees and Leaves at F1.8

Yesterday was Cambridge Camera Club 'outing' to local beech and mixed woodland in search of fungi and autumn colours. Well with the new Covid regulation, it couldn't be an outing in CCC tradition of being able to explore in a group sharing our screens and  subjects. However, it was good to get out and see people at a social distance. The fungi were very sparse (blog to follow) so I spent much of the time using a legacy Olympus lens at F1.8 playing with composition, depth of field and focus point. Even did a bit of ICM exploring direction of camera movement in relation to result - the start colours will bleed into the finish colours so with these autumn colours different results for 'up' or 'down' respectively. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Garden Life through Infrared

I started a session with my infrared camera intending to photograph flowers but, as usual, the insects  on the plants soon took my attention. Some of these are taken in my spinach plot which is alive with snails and shield bugs at the moment (very crunchy in a salad!!) and shows very high UV reflective properties, revealing normally camouflaged green bugs and spiders!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Caldecote Church Cambridgeshire

Records of a Caldecote chapel date from Norman times and, by the 1300s, the villagers had developed a chapel into a church with a tower, with bells and a nave. During Victoria’s reign the tower and nave were rebuilt and a chancel added. The organ has a long history from around 1720, this being its fifth home in the area. Yesterday the light through the windows was beautiful and the cobwebs and bat droppings seemed to add to the feel of a real community church.

Monday, September 28, 2020

RPS Nature Group Outing in an Autumnal Day

The Covid Regulation group of six braved the wind and dull light to photograph a variety of insects and fungi at Paxton on Sunday. Our finds included this very sleepy Hornet, a Lassioglossum bee, Male Chironomid midge with the amazing antennae, a jade-green Leafhopper, Wasp with prey, Greenbottle and several fungi including Shaggy Pholiota and a stemmed Puffball. I was experimenting to see whether flash or no flash worked best with shiny insects - overall I prefer the no flash but with light as bad as Sunday the flash did help keep the ISO down - as it was some were shot as high as ISO12800

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so