Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cambridge and its Bicycles

Camcycle are organising a Cycling Festival in Cambridge during September and. along with John Lewis, who are putting on an appropriate display in their store, asked CCC to submit some images. Here are a few I took yesterday in the sunshine (you may get the rainy set sometime but I seem to have shared a lot of wet images recently!). The difficuly was getting images without large masses of 'untidy' tourists in the frame!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

London in the Rain 3. Southbank Reflected

I was trying for that Cartier Bresson moment of leaping a puddle, but had to be content with mobile phones and an obliging seagull!  

Friday, August 16, 2019

London in the Rain 2. St Pauls and the Millenium Bridge

 Our route to London Bridge area involved crossing the Millenium Bridge - an excellent opportunity to snap umbrellas en masse.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

London in the Rain 1. From the Gallery

We travelled up to London yesterday to do an afternoon stewarding at the London Salon Exhibition . It rained all day giving lots of opportunities for my favourite subject - umbrellas! Here a few views as people passed the gallery hurrying on to get out of the rain.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Southern Hawker

Every year, several Southern Hawkers emerge from our pond and then a female is seen laying on the edge. This time, with the water level a bit low, she was laying onto dry moss. Apparently, Southern Hawkers will lay in vegetation above the water so hopefully these eggs will be ok - the book says the eggs don't hatch until the spring.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Misty morning in Toft Wood

Continuing with my project to photograph Toft wood (our local wood that I helped plant in 1995) through the seasons, these were taken before the strong winds arrive and show the beauty of the wood in early morning mists. 

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so