Sunday, May 26, 2019

Kylemore Abbey and Clifden

Kylemore Abbey and Victorian Walled Garden were originally built as a Castle in 1867 as a romantic gift by Mitchell Henry for his wife.  It became home to a community of Benedictine Nuns in 1920 and has been renowned as a place of spirituality and education. We chose a still misty morning, which suited the location and the rhododendrons well, but, unfortunately, also the midges which somewhat curtailed our visit. We spent an hour or so in Clifden, our largest town in the area.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Welcome to Ireland

I am on a family holiday near Roundstone, Galway, Eire and, after unpacking, visited Dog's Bay for a walk. Here a few welcoming images.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Toft Garden Wildlife

A quick posting mostly to record the insect activity in the garden for more yearly records. Shield Bugs very numerous a the moment and obviously gearing up for a further generation. They prefer the spinach which is fine as we have a lot of it!! Also Brown Argus, Mint moth, Garden Spider spiderlings and Red Damselfly. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My Garden WIldflower Patch

Last year, I decided to turn some of the vegetable areas into wildflower 'meadows' and bought some seed from a recommended firm (Boston Seeds). It contained both annual and perennial species so last year was dominated by Corn cockles, Corn Marigold and Cornflowers. This year the various biennials/perennials have taken over with Red Campion, Salad Burnet and Wild Carrot dominating with other species in the gaps. The Corn cockles have seeded elsewhere so there will be plenty for seed gathering for next year.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Norfolk Tour - Cley NNT Reserve

Overcast misty conditions at Cley weren't ideal for portraits but added to the atmosphere of the reserve. Two favourite species, Reed Bunting (with damselfly) and Bearded Reedling, performed well on the East Bank  while Spoonbills, Sand Martins, Avocets, Redshanks, Shovellers and Pochard  showed well on the marshes.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Norfolk tour - Misty Morning at Wells

There was a heavy mist on Sunday morning so I took an early morning stroll on Wells Beach. I have still not worked out whether it was the full moon or early sun through the fog. A couple of shots at the end of Pinewoods where we spent 2 nights.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so