Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Norway - Vareid Rocks

Tuesday morning we spent the first part photographing the rocks at Vareid. Some of the party are using Tilt and shift lenses to get images in focus from back to front. As I don't have a T&S for my Fuji, I took 3 or 4 versions of each scene with the focus at front , middle and back and combined these with Zerene Stacker (first 4 images).  The Fisheye also gave good depth of field (last 5 images).

Norway - Myrland Peninsular

The sun came out briefly on Monday afternoon giving different light to work with. Had fun with the 8mm Fish-eye - needs a bit more correction than I can do in Lightroom Raw. A bit of a play with B/W - will look forward to processing in Silver Efex when back. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Norway - Haukland Beach

As with my last trip to Lofotens, our first photographic site was Haukland Beach. These are a mixture of wide angle (10-24) and Fish-eye (8mm) images - the more instense the colour, the longer the exposure with longest 30 secs. The upper beach was very icy so stayed clear of this after Jane's experience 3 years ago.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Walk Around Leknes - Playing with Colour

As there were still a couple of hours of daylight left yesterday, I took a walk out of Leknes to reacquaint myself with the wonderful colours that the Lofoten landscapes offer. Not really a sunset but the strip of yellow added another hue to the scene.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Aerial Images Oslo to Bodo and Bodo to Leknes

As soon as we left Oslo the cloud thinned and we had wonderful views of the Fjords and mountains below on the way to Bodo. It was cloudier from Bodo to Leknes but some great water colours as we approached the Lofoten Islands. 

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so