Friday, October 30, 2015

Isaac Newton's Home in Lincolnshire

Isaac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe Manor on 25 December 1642 and returned here in 1666 when Cambridge University closed due to the plague. He performed many of his most famous experiments, most notably his work on light and optics. This is also said to be the site where Newton, observing an apple fall from a tree, was inspired to formulate his law of universal gravitation. A very dark house to photograph but here some cameos from his study/bedroom and the scullery; also an exterior view. We intended to lunch at Belton House nearby but there were so many cars we abandoned that but did photograph a very obliging deer in the Park before heading for Sleaford. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween is Nigh

A bit of fun light-painting with the Wednesday Workshop group of CCC last night. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Life on a Cow Pat

Another beautiful day for a walk at Wandlebury hoping for a good number of fungi. There were very few around in the woods but the meadow had lots including two cow dung specialists, Coprinus niveus, the Snowy Ink Cap and a Panaeolus species.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fungi in Gamlingay Woods

We had a stroll in Gamlingay Woods this morning and found several types of fungi especially lots of Mycena pura - Lilac Bonnet and some very large Funnel caps (?Clitocybe giganteum).

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Contrasts at Blist's Hill

Jane and I had a very sunny day for our visit to Blist's Hill Victorian Village on Thursday. I decided to work on high contrast scenes and adjustments.

Friday, October 23, 2015

A Shrewsbury Bug and Another Travelodge

Good to see Jane and her mother on Wednesday. We hunted the garden for macro subjects and found this rather splendid Green Shieldbug. 
Tamworth Travelodge has slightly less attractive surroundings to Stafford with an electricity substation, railway, Lidl and lots of roundabouts. The internal staircase is more photogenic.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Unusual Surroundings for Travelodge

Staying at Travelodges for next nights while lecturing in the Midlands. Impressed by the Lakeside setting for the Stafford M6 Travelodge. Still practising with the Fuji XT camera - this time on small insects. My 18-35 mm zoom has done a reasonable job on Macro subjects especially if used on Manual focus with the focus assist on.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so