Monday, August 3, 2015

Royston Kite Festival

After all the windy days, Sunday was a calm day for the Kite Festival which was a shame as many of the displays lacked the usual excitement. I am posting the original raw file and the quick adjustment in the Raw Converter (Lightroom 6) to show the benefit of shooting on Manual mode and exposing correctly for the Kites (or Birds). Although the original looks greatly overexposed, the sky detail is still there and can be brought back easily.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lackford Lakes - Birds and Butterflies

The Little Grebe at Lackford looked a lot happier than the fish it had caught while the Heron stalked around for a long while without catching much and the Kingfisher didn't catch anything. At last a slightly warmer day brought out the butterflies at Lackford, Painted Lady, Small Skippers and Brown Argus shown. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Clare College Gardens - Cam Card Holders

Disappointed to discover that Clare college no longer allows 2 guests on the Cam Card (Cambridge Graduates) - I hope this is not going to spread to other colleges! When the Gardens are open then it is certainly worth the £3.50 for Phil but is a bit steep just to enjoy the walk through and over the Bridge.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Bees etc at Cambridge Botanic Gardens

Not the best of weather for our club outing to Cambridge Botanic Gardens to practise some macro techniques as it was windy and overcast. We spent a lot of time in the flower beds in front of the glasshouses that have been laid out specifically for bees. A lot of the Bunble bees are infected with mites as in the first image but they seem still to be functioning. 
I also tried some focus stacking changing focus ring manually on a tripod (last two images) but will need to give less exposure next time (I had set half stop over) as the highlights are generally burnt out in my images.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hall Place, Bexleyheath

Hall Place is a stunning Tudor house with magnificent gardens sitting on the banks of the River Cray in Bexley, run by independent charity Bexley Heritage Trust. Not great light for general photography and very windy for macro but a few shots to show the extent of the venue. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hunstanton After the Storm

There was a beautiful sunset on Saturday evening  before yet another band of rain moved across.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hunstanton Weekend

Ellie, I and the girls are spending two nights at Huntanton with very mixed weather - a month's rain in 24 hour  winds necessitated a visit to the Sea Life centre after a quick stop at Norfolk Lavendar on Friday. Saturday was drier but now 50 mph winds so we had a swim in the Oasis pool in the morning followed by traditional time on the beach and promenade.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so