Saturday, November 29, 2014

Stratford Upon Avon

After visiting Permajet's Open Day, we headed for Stratford. There was still a bit of mist around and this gave beautiful soft lighting in the afternoon so a few images from around the river area. The second four images are multiple exposure images from the Canon 5DMark III around Stratford Parkway Station earlier in the afternoon where we left the car at the Park and Ride.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Angelsey Abbey Winter Lights

On recommendation from Chris, I booked a tour round Anglesey Abbey grounds during their Winter Lights Festival. Well worth the entrance money - lots of fun to be had with fish-eye lenses, long exposures and multiple exposures plus psychedelic mushrooms and strange lit aliens leaping out of the bushes. Play was only stopped by rain and then not for long.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Santa is Just a Short Sleigh Ride Away

Lakeside is certainly selling Christmas hard with baubles and snowflakes everywhere.My favourite views were in the food hall where cold abstraction and isolation appeared to be the theme. I made a short visit to Lakeside before talking at Thurrock Camera club - thanks for the warm welcome. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Autumn in Epping Forest

I spent the morning in Epping Forest on Thursday after talking to North Romford CC the night before. A bit of mist around and some beautiful autumn colours

Monday, November 17, 2014

Evening Photography Cambridge

 We stayed in Cambridge after the Botanic Gardens closed and did a bit of night photography. The first three are taken at f8 30sec iso 800 - recommended starting point for taking photos after dark. The others at varying shutterspeeds and apertures though try to keep latter at f22 where there are lights in the images to prevent flare and give starburst effect.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Macro at Cambridge botanic Gardens

We spent most of the day in the greenhouses at Cambridge Botanic Gardens photographing small plants and large leaves. The usual problems of depth of field, trying to get enough of the flower in focus without an intrusive background.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cat Portraits - George and his Sister from Hindolveston

I stayed overnight at White House Farm (Hindolveston, near Holt), which I can thoroughly recommend for its comfort, great food and Mary's friendly welcome. These are her two cats, brother and sister. George is on the right in all the photos and generally ruled the household. I didn't have any flash with me so the light was very variable in colour and direction - they would make great studio subjects!

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so