Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stourbridge in the Mist

Today the mist hang around all day and a visit to Stourhead Gardens produced some lovely atmospheric views of the lake. I have put a set of the misty scenes on my website and above. Below are a few extra images from the visit. The wild daffodils and camelias are in full bloom.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

St Albans Heronry

As I was passing St Albans on the way to Bath , I thought I would have a second attempt to locate the Heronry having been thwarted by heavy Saturday traffic last time. The light was not good and the Herons were not doing a lot but did manage the classic Heron with twig shot. The last Heron shot was taken with the camera on live view - it gave a very sharp image of the static Heron. The Coots were fairly quiet as well - this couple gave a good display of aggression.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Building the Dream

I haven't posted much recently as photography has been a bit on hold while I completed the 120 prints for my new talk on The Seaside and also an entry for one of the categories in the RPS Print International . The latter took a long while to adjust as the image was taken through a slightly tinted window and straight into the sun. I very much like the final image as it reminds me of my time at a nursery school above the Thames in Greenwich area when I spent breaks looking out over the dockyards and enjoyed the cranes and the tiny workers like ants. I was under five at the time but can still recall the scenes vividly.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I stopped off in Lakeside Shopping Centre before my talk to Thurrock Camera Club to have something to eat and couldn't resist a few shots including the above moon and pylon. I was using the G12 compact so quite impressed with the quality of this photo. It also meant that there was no objection from the Security staff to a few shots of the interior. The yellow fluorescent light and blue evening sky in the first two worked well but the later shots I have corrected the white balance.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Focus on Feet

I visited Focus on Imaging show at the NEC yesterday. I managed to only purchase one battery (apart from a new toy for Phil). As usual it was a lovely sunny day outside but at least this gave some interesting light inside. I spent a lot of the time looking at feet it seems.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rye Meads

I visited Rye Meads RSPB REserve today. After early rain, the sun broke through and gave lovely lighting on the Tufted Ducks, Teal, Green Sandpiper and Little Grebes.

The Tufted Ducks demonstrated how synchromised diving should be done. The action shots of Grebe displaying, Shoveller taking off and Coot aggression didn't quite work but enjoyed trying the shots.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Polarising Sheet Photography

Another technique that we will try at Freshers tonight needed a bit of practise - a polarising sheet on a lightbox both without a polarising filter - light background and with - dark background. These taken with G12 - should get better quality with tripod and SLR .

Insects Awake

Today was warm (57degrees) and sunny after the early fog and this Honey Bee and pair of Ladybirds certainly thought spring has come.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Oil on Water

Thursday is the Freshers practical evening at CCC so I have been trying out oil on water photography and discovered that it is not as easy as I thought and also very messy. I tried olive and sunflower oil but the droplets tend to coalesce quickly. Adding a bit of detergent slowed this down and produced a dish full of aliens.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sadie in the sunshine

I have been on child-minding duty this weekend so a couple of images of Sadie on a sunny Sunday in the garden. Being the daughter and grandaughter of photographers, she is very relaxed and will pose when asked. Don't suppose this will last.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wildfowl Trust Competition

I entered the following three images in the Wildfowl and Wetlands winter competition. There is a popular choice winner so if you feel like voting for my images that would be great. I have provided a link to the relevant page Welney in Winter in LandscapesWinter Wonderland in People and wildlife
Whoopers landing on Ice in Wildlife section

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so