Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Botanic Reflections

Add Image A visit to the Botanic Gardens today in very flat lighting produced some interesting patterns in the leaf shapes and the reflected trees in the lake. I could see all manner of faces in the first image - especially for Tricia (I hope the ankle is less painful in the airboot).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Moscow Daily Life

A bit of a break as my broadband has been down for a few days. I am continuing to process the Russian trip photos in spare moments. Here are few images of everyday Moscow life - the Metro, cars, trolley buses and buses along with street scenes and shopping.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Monochrome Portrait

I don't often post portraits but I am especially pleased with this one of Sadie, which I have converted with Silver Efex.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Monochrome Flowers

I am preparing for a talk on art and nature, as part of the RPSPermajet day at the end of the month at Smethwick. Here are a few monochrome conversions of spring flowers which I think work well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cambridge Night Photography

Club outing to Cambridge last night to practise taking images in full night conditions away from artificial lighting as far as possible. I have colour corrected using the darkest part of the sky and this gives a good representation of the colour of the light sources in the image. My favourite is the last of King's College with a sprinkling of stars.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Frosty Morning

A combination of frost and infrared gave some very gentle images - taken on my usual dog circuit round our village in Cambridgeshire.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Nik Viveza Software

Three pairs of images to show the power of Viveza (Nik Software) to put life into backlit subjects or night images. The left image has been processed with Lightroom to get as much as possible into the shadow and highlight areas of the raw images. They were then processed with Viveza and show the strength of the software to adjust difficult images. The final stage will be clone out the street lights in the Church image.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Moscow Metros

I took a lot of images in the Moscow Metro as there were no restrictions on photography other than finding space to raise the camera. The trains were generally dark green rather than London's red ones so monochrome conversions don't lose much impact and sort out the colour casts. Each station had its own theme - often with impressive sculptures and paintings. I will post a few more when I have sorted them.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Catkin Time

Beautiful sunny day here in Cambridgeshire today - temperature up to 12 degrees. With the very mild start to the year it is not surprising to see hazel catkins in full bloom. Ruby, one of our red setters had to get into the picture in the background. The lichens are developing well in our small woodland plantation - very strident yellow in the sunshine.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am gradually sifting through the Russian photographs and will continue to post images as I find ones I like as, at the end of each year, I turn my blog into a book and it is good to have a complete record of my favourite images from trips. Here are some 'Avenue' views that I liked at the time of taking.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

London Dusk

I have been sorting through some London images from last year as I need an image for an exhibition later this year and decided that three of them had potential for monochrome prints while two of them definitely require colour for impact.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so