Showing posts with label long exposure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label long exposure. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2017

October Workshop in Guernsey - First Evening

We are here in Guernsey on a Landscape Workshop week staying opposite Cobo beach. It looked promising for a colourful sunset until a bank of cloud came up as we got down onto the beach. A bit of compensation with a horse going up and down through the waves - shot at 1/8th second to try and get some movement but, after a first run, it went deeper and hence too slow to pan. Tried my new filters on the seascape - 10-stop and graduated neutral - certainly no colour cast. I also tried some exposure blending in photoshop so the third image is one image at 1 second with the fourth a blend of five 1 sec exposures - to be continued! Final image faster to show waves 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Afternoon Light in Prague

The clouds began to break towards sunset so first a few images using 10-stop neutral density filter to get cloud movement and still reflections and one straight reflection shot. I then walked up to the Castle for views of the City as the lights came on. Final images of the Christmas market stall by the Castle and some penguins looking distinctly yellow in the unseasonably warm weather.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Low-light Photography Guernsey

Here are a few images from our low-light photography evening. We started at Jerbourg point walking out to the Peastacks for the evening light and then into St Peter Port to wait for moonrise by the bathing pools. At 21.00 hours the moon rose but looked more like a setting sun. I took a shot to show that it was the moon. Sarah kindly did a bit of light painting with torches. Once completely dark, I did a few shots using the night setting of around 30 secs at f4 800iso. The last shot is my favourite with all the stars and still waters taken at 46sec f6.3 800 iso  It was impossible to focus so I went for infinity and hoped with this one.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so