Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Local Walks

We have had some lovely sunny days this week though getting progressively colder. I took a walk  up to Hardwick Wood and was surprised to find quite a few toadstools still apparent. This evening a lovely sunset though Ted was impatient to move on.


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Paxton Pits Work Party

15 Paxton Pits volunteers spent 3 hours clearing willows and brambles from an area valuable for its invertebrate banks -ridges of sand left from gravel workings in that area in previous years. The banks were found to have a very rich invertebrate population when surveyed a few years ago but have now become quite overgrown. As well as vertical banks we also found a valuable small pond and an area which perhaps we will avoid in surveys as warns of quicksands


Friday, January 13, 2023

UV Photography: Lichens and Spider

There are quite a few scientific studies on the UV-screening chemicals in lichen which absorb UV light and then emit it at a different wavelength. The interest varies from a pure research level to document the occurrence, to more practical application such as aids to ID of lichens and as possible help in the production of effective human UV sunscreens, important as our radiation levels increase. I photographed some of the lichens I collected locally and at Paxton Pits to monitor the variations in intensity and colours. I also photographed some spiders that were living in the lichens along with abundant Collembolids (too small for the lens I was using), This spider is a female Misumena vatia


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Snowdrops in Toft Churchyard

We have just a few snowdrops sowing in Toft churchyard along with White Dead nettle while the mosses on the walls and gravestones are in full fruit. A few glimpses of the flocks of Fieldfares on my walk across the fields to Comberton and back.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Rainy Day in Cambridge

I walked through Cambridge this morning in the pouring rain and took a few snaps with my pocket camera of people with umbrellas.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Stanwick Lakes - Where Were All the Birds?

 The very high water levels in the Lakes and the river Nene resulted in a lot fewer birds than previous visits. Coupled with overcast skies and strong winds meant we had a pretty sparse day as regards subjects to photograph though the feeders produced good opportunities including Muntjac deer.

. However, the group enjoyed a long walk round the reserve and a warming drink/lunch in the visitor centre

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so