Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Dorset 11 Lyme Regis

On the Tuesday of our trip, we visited Lyme Regis on a very hot bright day. I mainly concentrated on the people enjoying the location in the strong contrasty light. The artist was perfectly dressed for the location while the young provided entertainment leaping off the cob, canoeing, paddling etc. There was, of course, just sitting enjoying the view and sunshine or a gentle game of bowls.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Dorset 10: Higher Kingcombe Lodge and Lakes

Our stay at Kingcombe has come to an end though my posts for the rest of the trip will continue for a few days more! It is wonderful place to stay for anyone wanting tranquility, lots of wildlife to watch and photograph, very comfortable self-catering or bed and breakfast and very friendly owners (also fishing!!). I went out early on several morning - here a post from one such visit as the mist rises and then dissipates with the rising sun and the colours strengthen and worm in tone. The damselflies and other reed-life covered in dew are a constant challenge! Higher Kingcombe Lodge

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Dorset 9: Portland - Lighthouses, Huts, Boats, Wildlife and Views!!

A visit to Portland Bill on a perfect summer's day with blue skies and plenty to photograph including the three lighthouses (photographed two of these). In 1716, two lighthouses were built  and these continued to work as a pair until the 20th century. In 1901, the Corporation of Trinity House made the decision to replace the existing lighthouses, which had both been rebuilt in the 1860s, with a single one at Bill Point. The old one shown here is now a Bird Observatory. First Marbled White seen and photographed on Pyramidal Orchid and also a Grey (?) Seal. Lots of views back towards Portland itself, Prison entrance, Weymouth and Chesil Beach


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Dorset 8: Chesil Beach Flowers

On Tuesday, we visited the Chesil Beach Nature Centre. I decided to investigate and record the flowers growing on the shingle. All taken with 23mm Fuji X100V and only adjustment is cropping. 

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so