Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Macro With the Hosebaby

  Last June, I attached a Canon macro lens to my Fuji via a piece of transparent hose giving a lens that acts like a Lensbaby in being able to move the focus point but also produces soft diffuse image due to the light coming in via the hose. Here are a few garden images taken with the Hosebaby today. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Small World at Paxton

 Last Tuesday, I took part in the monthly wildlife survey at a chosen area of Paxton Pits. This time it was the edge of one of the disused gravel pits and an area of meadow which was flooded all winter. There was a huge abundance and diversity of insects and other invertebrates so I could only record a fraction of the species. Here are some of the more photogenic subjects. The Green leafhopper comes in two forms - the first with jade green wing cases, the second with blue .

Monday, August 16, 2021


 As Saturday was a sunny day, I decided to have a play with more cyanotypes (see previous attempt last July here) The first of the three images shows the coated paper with specimens and various added substances - salt, paprika etc; the second after exposure before rinsing and the third when rinsed and dried. I think I probably exposed some for a bit too long to get the subtle tones - the 4th image shows the exposed brown state - interesting that the veins show on the leaves before washing but not after. I will try on a duller day for comparison.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Annual Visit to Bee-Wolf Wasp Site, Sandy

We are probably past the peak time for the Bee-wolf Wasps but there were still a fair number around. I was very pleased to find the spider-hunting wasp Episyron rufipes dragging its prey a considerable distance before leaving it for a couple of hours while the tunnel was excavated. Lots of Astata boops wasps, one with a shieldbug - looks like the 4th instar of the Gorse Shieldbug. A couple of Ammophila sabulosa but not with their caterpillar prey. Cast completed by a Sarcophaga fly, Dasypoda hirtipes and ?Field Grasshopper

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Punting Trip

It was great to meet up with Alistair, Bev and Rowan after too long a break due to Covid restrictions. Alistair very expertly punted us up to the Granta from Mill Lane and then down as far as St Johns before returning. The river was very busy but the swans with their 7 cygnets didn't seem to worry about all the punts and people provided bits of picnic were being shared.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so