Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Dinosaurs and Silver-Washed Fritillaries - a Gamlingay Safari

Our first walk in Gamlingay Woods for a couple of months. We were surprised to find a baby dinosaur in residence, but delighted that there is already a good population of Silver-Washed Fritillaries emerged with the promise of many more to come. Lots of other butterfly species including a Marbled White in the meadow that I never managed to capture. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Bees and Hovers

First attempt at a slow motion nature video using my Fuji XT-3 with its great high-speed video capacity. Not quite mastered the free video editing software yet so the end point wasn't quite where I expected and not mastered the cross fades etc. - hopefully this will improve!

Wildflower Project 6

Second post of local wildflowers: Cinquefoil, Yellow Vetchling, Hogweed, Agrimony, Selfheal, Field Scabious, Bramble, Creeping Thistle, Lesser Hop Trefoil and Slender Tare.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Wildflower Project 5

Today, I collected small parts of any new wild flowers since my last post on May 20th. I photographed them on a lightbox with overhead flash to bring out all the features of leaves and flowers. I am sharing them in two posts as quite a number since the last survey. (Scarlet Pimpernel, Black Medick, Hop Trefoil, Nipplewort, Common Poppy, White Campion, Bush Vetch, Common Mallow, Dovesfoot Cranesbill, White Clover and Red Clover

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Paxton Pits on a Muggy Day

It is 4 weeks since we last visited the Pits and enjoyed a few hours recording the wildlife. Yesterday was overcast with a gusty wind so not ideal for insect recording.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Cambridge Botanic Gardens Reopen

Cambridge University Botanic Gardens opened this week for Friends of the Gardens and will open next week to the general public. It was great to take Sadie and Meredith with their cameras for a visit there on Wednesday afternoon. While there Sadie took readings for her Home-School Science project on Heart Beat, Exercise and Recovery. Meredith just enjoyed running!

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so