Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Switzerland Day 4. Flowers around Wengen Alp, Kleine Scheidegg and Eigergletsche

Clear blue skies all day for our walk from Wengen Alp up to Kleine Scheidegg and then down from Eigergletsche. Very contrasty light for portraits but great for flowers in the landscape - and what a landscape. The second photo shows the range of Eiger on left throungh the Monk to Jungfrau on right.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Switzerland Day 3. Blumentahl, Murren

Sunday started cloudy and cool after overnight rain for our visit to the Blumentahl (valley of flowers) on the other side of the Lauterbrunnen Valley. Gradually the cloud lifted to give a sunny end to the day. We caused a certain amount of amusement to the many visiting tourists as we got down to work.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Switzerland Day 2. Wengen Walk from Mannlichen to Kleine Scheidegg

I had hoped for a fine day for our first day in Wengen. Although showery and, at times, enveloped in cloud, we did get glimpses of the wonderful panoramas and the Eiger showed itself on several occasions. It is a late spring so there are still some snow patches with the early spring flowers - Globe flowers, White crocuses, Snowbells etc still very evident as well as later species such as the Yellow anemones.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Wengen - First Morning

The red glow in the sky suggested there might be rain on the way but time before breakfast for a dry walk round the village and look back on our hotel. Serin was singing on a wire and the Green Chafer Beetle was just waking up. Wonderful smell from the hay stooks obviously enjoyed by one of the many Black Redstarts. By the time we had breakfasted, the rain arrived but it proved to be showery so didn't prevent us enjoying a ride up to Mannlichen and the walk to Kleine Scheidegg - see next post.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Luton to Wengen, Switzerland

Arrived in Wengen at 4pm local time having left Luton at 7am. Great views of the Alps as we landed at Geneva and then the long train journey to Wengen. Time for a quick local at the meadow life before dinner and a walk to the viewpoint as the light faded. Now all we need is our luggage - very frustrating as we paid extra for same day Fly rail. Long-horned beetle looks like Stictoleptura rubra

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Marbled Whites Are Back

Last year we first saw the Marbled Whites in our local wood on 28th June - this year 27th June so very consistent emergence date. The clearing in the centre of the wood was alive with males last evening getting a last feed on the clover before roosting. The grass is very high so difficult to get clear backgrounds but lovely to see them in their pristine condition. Lots of similarly newly emerged Meadow Browns.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so