Monday, May 30, 2011

Swallowtail Butterflies

A wonderful experience today watching a dozen or more Swallowtail butterflies on Strumpshaw Fen. The warm sunshine brought them out and they fed on the brambles and irises, rested on the reeds and flew up in fighting groups. Disappointed not to get better flight pictures - will have to have another go.


Just four pictures from Acle where we have been staying for the last two nights. It has a thatched church - a real find in my childhood days of I-Spy

Sunday, May 29, 2011

More from Strumpshaw

A few other species from Strumpshaw. The Black-headed gulls were busy nesting while the Lapwings defended their territories and the Arctic Terns fished.

Not very sharp but I am pleased to add cuckoo to my photographed species.

Marsh Harriers at Strumpshaw

A few pictures of the Marsh Harriers at Strumpshaw Fen this morning. It was still very windy though quite bright with a few sunny intervals so a bit better for bird photography. With the wind, there were not many insects around - was hoping for the Swallowtail butterflies.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Very windy, cool and some rain at lakenheath so not ideal bird photography conditions so was please to come away with one or two shots that I like including my first ever photo of a Bittern. Not the sharpest image but shows the golden plumage and green legs. The Sand Martin is also a first and I am also happy with the Heron, Whitethroat and Reed Bunting.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Burwash Time Again

Visited Burwash Manor Farm for the first time this year to try hand at the Dragons. Lots of Emperors around as well as Azure Damselflies. Delighted to get a pair of sparring Emperors complete with water droplets (1/2500th second) but they were only small part of the frame unfortunately. There seemed to be an abundance of Male Azure damselflies so that when a coupled pair were attempting to lay in the water, they were constantly 'bombed' by batallions of males.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Took the infrared camera on a visit to Greenwich today - the light was very harsh but one or two worked quite well. The panorama above shows part of Olympic village being constructed in the distance (click to view larger).

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Beneficial Visitors to the Garden

Mrs Tiggiwinkle (or perhaps Mister) wandered across the lawn this morning. Always glad to see one in the garden as they help keep down the slug. The Lacewing is also welcome as both the adults and larvae feed on greenfly.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Iris Time in the Beren

The irises in Tinch and John's garden in Toft are at their best at the moment - such a profusion of shapes and colours.

A robin helping keep the irises caterpillar free and enjoying a statue to perch on.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shuttleworth Evening Flying

The light in the first part of the evening was ideal - low sunlight with plenty of interesting clouds as well as blue patches. The clouds built up in the second half and it started to rain just as the show finished at 7 oclock. After last year's trials, I settled on a 640th of a second which gave a chance of sharp images but with some movement in the propeller.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


A few pictures from a visit on Thursday evening on my way to lecture to their camera club.
Lovely evening light to enjoy a picnic in the meadows by the languid waters of the Trent.

Ann Miles Photography - My Favourite Images of the Past10 years or so